Keynote Speakers

Prof. Pan Hui

Title: A Look at Smartphone Data for Sensing Health Conditions


Professor Pan Hui is an International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (FIEEE), a Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE), and a Distinguished Scientist of the Association for Computing Machinery. He was also elected by Nokia Bell Labs to be the Nokia Chair in Data Science at the University of Helsinki in 2017. Currently, he is the director of the HKUST-DT System and Media Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He was a senior research scientist and then a Distinguished Scientist for Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-labs) Germany from 2008 to 2015. His industrial profile also includes his research at Intel Research Cambridge and Thomson Research Paris from 2004 to 2006. His research has been generously sponsored by Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, Microsoft Research, and China Mobile. He has published more than 300 research papers and with over 18,500 citations. He has 30 granted and filed European and US patents in the areas of augmented reality, mobile computing, and data science. He has founded and chaired several IEEE/ACM conferences/workshops, and has served as track chair, senior program committee member, organising committee member, and program committee member of numerous top conferences including ACM WWW, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM Mobisys, ACM MobiCom, ACM CoNext, IEEE Infocom, IEEE ICNP, IEEE ICDCS, IJCAI, AAAI, and ICWSM. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (since 2014) and the Springer journal of Computational Social Networks. He has also served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2014 – 2018) and guest editor for various journals including IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), IEEE Transactions on Secure and Dependable Computing, IEEE Communications Magazine, and ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. 


Since the first iPhone released in 2007, smartphones have become necessities of daily lives. Smartphones collect large-scale and fine-grained sets of usage data of mobile users and support health applications and services. In this talk, I will first introduce our recent work on using smartphone data to sense health conditions for individuals and groups. At the beginning of 2020, Covid-19 was identified and has spread globally. The outbreak of Covid-19 has changed people’s lives significantly. We gathered smartphone usage records of 452 mobile users in the USA from November 2019 to April 2020 and present the impact of Covid-19 on smartphone usage. Also, we exhibit the potential for inferring group health conditions, e.g., Covid-19 outbreak stages, by leveraging less privacy-sensitive smartphone data, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network connections. Finally, I will talk about how we infer individuals’ health conditions from their mobility patterns gathered by smartphones and introduce our HealthWalks framework. HealthWalks is an interpretable machine learning model that takes user traces and demographics as input and auto-generates explainable features and advice for individuals. We believe the smartphone data offers several possibilities for sensing the health conditions of mobile users.

Prof. Ali Hessami, FRSA, PhD, BSc (Hons), EurIng, CEng, FIET, SMIEEE

Title: Ethical Assurance of Technology through Standardization & Certification


Prof. Ali Hessami is currently the Director of R&D and Innovation at Vega Systems, London, the UK. He has an extensive track record in systems assurance and safety, security, sustainability, knowledge assessment/management methodologies, and has a background in the design and development of advanced control systems for business and safety-critical industrial applications. Ali represents the UK on CENELEC & IEC safety systems, hardware & software standards committees. He was appointed by CENELEC as convener of a number of Working Groups for review of EN50128 Safety-Critical Software Standard and for update and restructuring of the software, hardware, and system safety standards in CENELEC. Ali also a member of Cyber Security Standardisation SGA16, SG24, and WG26 Groups and started and chairs the IEEE SMC and the Systems Council Chapters in the UK and Ireland Section.

During 2017 Ali joined the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) initially as a committee member for the new landmark IEEE P7000 standard focused on “Addressing Ethical Concerns in System Design”. He was subsequently appointed as the Technical Editor and later the Chair of P7000 standard. In November 2018, he was appointed as the VC and Process Architect of the IEEE‘s global Ethics Certification Programme for Autonomous & Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS). He has been the recent Chair of the IEEE in the UK and the Republic of Ireland driving an extensive program of reform and member value initiatives ranging from a structured educational program for online and face-to-face delivery to events, Open Days, Lectures and Professional Recognition and Registration for members. Ali is a Visiting Professor at London City University’s Centre for Systems and Control in the School of Engineering & Mathematics and at Beijing Jiaotong University School of Electronics & Information Engineering. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), Fellow of the UK Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), and a Senior Member of IEEE.


Beyond safety after 2 millennia, new concerns over the traditional protection of life and property have emerged in the physical and cyber context. The well-being, happiness, and overall quality of life in the social context is the next dimension of interest largely driven by the emergence and advancement of autonomous and intelligent digital technologies that pervade our lives and may progress further to impact on many aspects of our lives normally considered private and personal. This is rather unprecedented in human history and requires urgent review, evaluation of the existing and emerging social hazards, and formulation of proactive strategies to preserve and protect moral and ethical values that have evolved over millennia for the advancement and prosperity of human societies.

The emergence of ethical concerns is largely driven by threats to human agency and some fundamental rights when faced with autonomous decision making and algorithmic learning systems (ADM/ALS). This is a broad concern and applies to any sector, discipline, and context from transportation to financial services and smart health applications.

This presentation will give a broad context for the consideration of ethics and values in the exploitation of the emerging digital technologies and elaborates on the IEEE initiatives in this socially and globally sensitive context.